How To Keep Your Dentures Long and Lasting near Stillwater Ranch

August 15, 2016

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Smile more with beautiful removable dentures in Stillwater Ranch.Congratulations! You and Dr. Anderson or Dr. Moreno have rebuilt your beautiful smile with removable dentures. They look great, they feel wonderful and you couldn’t be happier. Removable dentures should last at least five to seven years. Then, they may need to be relined if you’re noticing that the fit has loosened. If they are worn or if your gum shape has changed or shrunk with time, then they may need to be replaced. However, with proper cleaning and care, dentures near Stillwater Ranch can give you many years of smiles. Follow these tips to extend the life of your removable dentures.

Provide a soft landing spot. We know that you’re careful, but dentures can easily slip out of your hand, especially when they’re wet. Dentures are designed to be durable, but they can sustain irreparable damage if they are dropped. To preclude this from happening, place a soft towel on the bathroom counter and fill the sink with water.

Don’t let dentures dry out. Did you ever wonder why dentures are always pictured in a glass of water? Because a dry denture will soon become a warped denture. When your dentures are not in your mouth, they should either be soaking in a cleaning solution or in water. Never leave them out to air dry.

Invest in denture cleaning supplies. You’ll need to purchase the proper cleaning tools for your removable dentures. Your d entist recommends using a cleaner designed especially for dentures and a denture cleaning brush. Ordinary toothpaste can have abrasive particles that might scratch the surface of your dentures’ base or false teeth, and even a soft toothbrush can be too rough for dentures.

Clean often and clean well. You should brush your dentures just as frequently as you brushed your own teeth. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because you have false teeth, dental problems are a thing of the past. Plaque can stick to your dentures just as easily as it does to natural teeth. Where there’s plaque, there’s a risk of gum disease. Try to brush your dentures after every meal if possible. Otherwise, rinse them in cool water in order to remove particles of food that can get trapped between your dentures and your gums.

Avoid heat. A warm environment can quickly cause your dentures to warp. Never leave dentures in the glove box of your car, near a stove or on the mantle of a fireplace. As soon as you remove your dentures, place them in a soaking solution to help them retain their shape longer.

Call Your Dentist near Stillwater Ranch Today

For more tips on how best to care for your removable dentures, or to schedule a dental checkup, contact Alamo Springs Dental.

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